Mission › Thailand


Mission Trip: May 2024

Thailand, formerly known as Siam until 1939, is located on the Indochinese Peninsula in Southeast Asia. Although it is growing fast economically, it faces many challenges. First, the country has been in continual political conflict since the dawn of the 20th century. It survived several military coups, so the constitution had to be rewritten twenty times. Second, there is an acute disparity in income and wealth distribution. Only the top 10% of the population holds almost 80% of the country’s assets. The rest live in poverty. Finally, Thailand is plagued with a thriving sex industry. It has one of the highest per capita rates of prostitution. As a result, there has been a widespread of HIV virus and AIDS.

Buddhism is the main religion of Thailand. Next, Muslims constitute the second largest religious group. Finally, Christianity is represented by only about 1.13% of the population. Though the Buddhists make up 93% of the population, the Thai government is open and accommodating to Christian missionaries. However, the freedom Christians enjoy hasn’t translated into wide acceptance. It is a difficult soil for the seed of Gospel to grow. The foremost reason for this apparent resistance is the inseparable interweaving of one’s cultural identity with Buddhism. To be Thai is to be Buddhist. Consequently, embracing Christianity entails losing the Thai identity, which results in significant social repercussions.

Six missionaries from Dunamis traveled to Thailand. They led worship services and revivals in Maha Sarakam, Konkaen, and Buriram. There was a meaningful interaction with the locals. By the power of the Holy Spirit, there was much healing and many came forward to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. People in Thailand need your prayers and support.

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