Mission › Myanmar


Mission Trip: February 2023

Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, is the largest country in Southeast Asia and has many ethnic groups. Since gaining independence from the United Kingdom in 1948, insurgencies have continued. Following the coup in 2021, the military has carried out a brutal crackdown on millions of people opposed to its rule. Currently, the country is experiencing a humanitarian crisis, environmental problems, corruption, and poverty.

Buddhism is the main religion of Myanmar, consisting of 93% of the population. It is followed by Christianity, which makes up 5%. While the Constitution provides for freedom of religion, the government discriminates against minority groups. Christians are often victims of targeted violence; many are forced to flee to neighboring countries.

Although facing many challenges, the Christian ministry in Myanmar is growing slowly. Missionaries from Dunamis traveled to Yangon and Mandalay. Their objective was to share the Gospel and bring hope to this broken nation.

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